it smelled in the whole house with beer when I cooked the bacon x_x' I always put the bacon on paper after cooking it, so it won't take up all the fat.
And then I made cookies with müsli, where I had crumbled in the bacon. I won't put up the recipe since I think they taste like old feet with a stink of beer. And the weird part is that it is not because of the bacon it tastes bad o.O but because of the sugar. weird shit, huh?
I still have a half kilo of bacon left though, which I think I will use on some bacon muffins another time. Bacon cookies weren't a good idea, but I haven't lost faith in bacon in cake yet!
"Bacon? good! - beer? good! - cookies? good! - beer-bacon cookies *takes bite* GOOD!"
But, well.. that was the boys' reactions x'b I still think they taste like crap. But all the guys ate up and wanted more o.o' I'm so amazed. They just eat anything, don't they?
And if you dare to make them yourself, the recipe is to be found here (but i would triple up the recipe to get something out of it)
so, here is my conclusion:
ååååååååååårh, would love bacon-cookies! *drooool*